Medical care

The medical management of nitrous oxide consumption is complex, and absolutely requires medical follow-up and the involvement of a multidisciplinary team.

The health risks are varied and can lead to serious complications.

To be contacted by a member of the N2O association, please fill in the form below.

Please note! Our network does not handle emergency situations.

In case of emergency, please call 15 or contact your nearest poison control center:

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Have you ever consulted a health professional about any problems related to your drinking? *
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What type of product(s) do you consume? *
Several answers possible
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Please specify number / day *
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Consumption start date : *
Select an option
If stopped, stop date :
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Clinical signs / Description of symptoms :
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Are your symptoms still present? *
Select an option
If yes, tick the box :
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Have you ever had any additional examinations? *
Select an option
If so, which ones?
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If other, please specify
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Free comments:
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You must accept the conditions to continue

Please note! Our network does not handle emergency situations.

In case of emergency, please call 15 or contact your nearest poison control center:

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