Our news
Prochain congrès BiomedJ 2025: 14 & 15 mai 2025
“C’est un produit toxique”: la maire du 8e arrondissement de Paris interdit la possession de protoxyde d’azote
Protoxyde d’azote : Bilan biologique et mécanismes moléculaires
Protoxyde d’azote : un produit addictif très dangereux
Injectable and drinkable vitamin B12: prefer tablets to ampoules for oral use

Nitrous oxide, a real public health issue
The "nitrous oxide" network is a network of professionals dedicated to the fight against intoxications linked to nitrous oxide (proto or laughing gas).
Our main mission is to develop a national network for the prevention and care of patients affected by this problem. This network brings together professionals from a variety of backgrounds (healthcare professionals, prevention specialists, legal experts, etc.).

Discover the association
Our sections
Nitrous oxide,
a risky product
Neurological and cardiovascular complications, cold burns from expelled gas, disorientation, dizziness, falls... our teams are here to help you!

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