The association


Awareness and Education

Raise public awareness, especially among young people, of the dangers of recreational nitrous oxide use. Develop educational programs for healthcare professionals and participate in targeted prevention campaigns organized by the authorities.

Professional Network

Create and run a national network of healthcare professionals - doctors, nurses, psychologists, etc. - specifically trained to respond effectively to cases of nitrous oxide poisoning. - specifically trained to respond effectively to cases of nitrous oxide poisoning.

Research & Development

Collaborate with researchers to learn more about the effects of nitrous oxide and improve treatment protocols.

Advocacy and Influence

Work with policymakers to strengthen legislation and control measures around the sale and use of nitrous oxide.

Board of Directors and Executive Committee

Dr Grzych Guillaume Biologist CHU Lille
Dr Diesnis Rémy Emergency Physician Roubaix Hospital
Emeline Gernez
Intern in medical biology
Lille University Hospital
Dr Niguet Jean Paul
Dr Dupré Thierry
Hôpital Bichat APHP
Dr Mégarbane Bruno
Membre Invité
Dr Deheul SylvieAddictovigilanceCentre Anti Poison- CHU Lille
Dr Guichard Jean Claude
General practitioner in prisons
Lille University Hospital
Dr Scliffet Damien Psychiatrist Addictologist CSAPA
Dr Denimal Damien
Dijon Hospital
Dr Redonnet Isabelle
Bordeaux University Hospital
Dr Boucher Alexandra Pharmacist Addictovigilance CEIP-A Lyon
Dr Bennis Anas Neurologist Hôpital Bicêtre APHP
Dr Chauvin Anthony
Emergency Physician
Lariboisière Hospital APHP


PROTOSIDE is a French association governed by the Decree of August 16, 1901, implementing the Law of July 1, 1901.

Its mission is to develop a national network of healthcare professionals, scientists and anyone involved in the prevention and medical management of patients with consequences related to the use of nitrous oxide.

Objectives of the association :

  • Professional Network: Create and run a national network of healthcare professionals - doctors, nurses, psychologists, etc. - specifically trained to deal with the consequences of nitrous oxide use. - specifically trained to deal with the consequences of nitrous oxide use.
  • Research and Development: Collaborate with researchers to deepen knowledge of nitrous oxide's effects and improve treatment protocols.
  • Awareness and Education: Raise public awareness, especially among young people, of the dangers of recreational nitrous oxide use. Develop educational programs for healthcare professionals and participate in targeted prevention campaigns organized by the authorities.
  • Advocacy and Influence: Working with policy-makers and health agencies to assess the need for changes in legislation and control measures around the sale and use of nitrous oxide.

Registered office of the association: The registered office is provisionally located at the Pôle de Biologie Pathologie Génétique of the Lille University Hospital. It may be transferred to any other location in the same city by simple decision of the Board of Directors, or to another city by decision of the General Meeting.

Members of the association :

  • The association is open to any individual or legal entity interested in combating the dangers of nitrous oxide, whether or not they are health professionals. We encourage the active participation of everyone to enrich our actions and extend our impact. Membership of the association is subject to application and approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Membership fees are set annually by the Annual General Meeting, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors.

Membership of the association is lost:

  • by resignation,
  • by death,
  • by expulsion for non-payment of membership dues or by decision of the Board of Directors.

Association governance :

  • The management of the association is entrusted to a Board of Directors made up of 12 experts in the field of nitrous oxide, ensuring enlightened and specialized leadership. The Board is responsible for strategic direction, overseeing activities and mobilizing the necessary resources. It is elected by the association's members for a 2-year term. Each member of the Board of Directors may serve up to three successive terms.
  • Every two years, the Board of Directors appoints an executive committee from among the association's members, whose composition is set out in the internal regulations.
  • The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year at a General Meeting convened by the Chairman or by at least half of its members, and minutes are kept of each meeting.
  • Invitations to the Annual General Meeting must be sent out at least 15 days before the meeting. To be valid, a General Meeting must be attended by at least one-third of the Board members present or represented; if a quorum is not reached, a second meeting must be held the following month; this meeting will be valid regardless of the number of attendees. Each member present and voting is entitled to a maximum of 3 proxies.

The association's resources consist of :

  • Membership fees
  • Subsidies, donations or any other resources that may be granted to it

Association commitments: PROTOSIDE is committed to being a key player in the fight against the risks associated with nitrous oxide, by pooling efforts and skills to ensure effective prevention and optimum care for those affected.

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