The juicy laughing gas business, an "almost banal activity" on social networks

Extract from Telerama - June 25, 2023

Nitrous oxide is wreaking ever more havoc in France, among young people in particular, thanks to "uberized" traffic on Snapchat, Telegram or Facebook, thus escaping the control of the authorities.

On the Snapchat application, these cryptic classified ads circulate by the dozens. Every day, accounts with generic names - "Balloons", followed by a zip code or town name - publish these messages in story, in the form of photos or videos that are deleted after twenty-four hours. For several years, and especially from 2019, the trafficking of nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas because it provokes immediate bursts of laughter, has invaded the platform, which is very popular with young people...

Link: https: // business-du-gaz-hilarant-une-activite-presque-banale-sur-les-reseaux- sociaux-7016151.php


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